About Me

Who am i and how i got here My love for web development started while I was getting my Master's degree in Computer Science at

AWKUM University (2022)

. Even though I learned a lot of cool stuff about computers,

building websites became my main jam

. I enjoy the challenge of creating user-friendly and visually appealing websites.

Front-End Development Expertise:
I'm a front-end magician, building beautiful websites with the latest tools such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with a particular focus on ReactJS and NextJS.. Think clear structures, eye-catching styles, and smooth interactions. I handle it all, from the basics to the fancy stuff, making sure your website is both stunning , user-friendly and responsive . 

Hold on tight!

My Expertise in Back-End Development   When it's time to breathe life into static sites, I work my magic as the CMS whisperer. Using NodeJS, Sanity, and Prisma, I sprinkle some dynamic dust on HTML, React, or NextJS websites, turning them into living web wonders. Whether you need a sleek static site or a dynamic, data-driven platform, I've got the tools to make your web presence stand out.

Full-Stack Developer   And if you need both front-end and back-end expertise, I'm your full-stack hero! I can build your website from the ground up, seamlessly blending design and functionality. Whether you want a simple static site or a complex data-driven platform, I have the skills and experience to bring your vision to life. Plus, I keep SEO in mind, ensuring your website gets found online.

What can i do and what I am currently doing For the past 2 years, I've been immersed in the exciting world of web development, tackling diverse projects and honing my skills. Now, I'm ready to put my experience to work for you! Whether you need a stunning front-end experience with pixel-perfect design and smooth interactions, a robust back-end infrastructure powered by NodeJS, Sanity, and Prisma, or the seamless integration of both in a full-stack project, I'm your go-to developer


Here are few technologies I’ve been recently working with:
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • ReactJS
  • NextJS
  • SanityIO
  • Prisma
  • MERN Stack
  • React MUI
  • React Bootstrap
  • Tailwind CSS
  • FramerMotion

  • 90%


  • 50%


Sufian Mustafa

SuFiaN MusTaFa

  • Sufian Mustafa
  • Sufian Mustafa
  • Sufian Mustafa
  • Sufian Mustafa
  • Sufian Mustafa
  • Sufian Mustafa
  • Sufian Mustafa
  • Sufian Mustafa

My Basic Info

    Full Name
    Date of Birth
    Phone Number



Education & Experience

  • 2020-2022
    Bachelor's Degree

    From ▶️ FG College Nowshera ( Linked to UOP)
    Marks ▶️ 372/550 (67%)

  • 2022-2024
    Master's Degree

    From ▶️ Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (AWKUM)
    GPA ▶️ 3.2

  • 2022-2024
    Front-End Developer

    Designed and developed responsive user interfaces for various web applications, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience.
    HTML5 | CSS3 | Tailwind CSS | React JS | Next JS

  • 2022-2024
    Back-End Developer

    Built RESTful APIs for various clients, ensuring data security and scalability.
    Node JS | Express JS | Sanity.io | Prisma | MongoDB

  • 2022-2024
    Full-Stack Developer

    Leveraging full-stack expertise to build personal portfolio website and other independent projects.


UI/UX Design

Building user interfaces with modern frameworks like React JS and Next Js. Utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create responsive and interactive web applications.

API Integration:

Creating robust server-side logic and APIs using Node.js, Express, Prisma, Sanity.IO etc.

Full Stack Development

Combining both frontend and backend to deliver end-to-end solutions.

Database Management

Designing and optimizing databases for efficient data storage and retrieval.

Performance Optimization

Ensure your website loads quickly and delivers a smooth user experience, even with high traffic. I optimize code, databases, and servers for peak performance

Content Management System (CMS) Integration

Simplify content creation and management with user-friendly CMS solutions like Sanity.io. Empower your team to update content easily.

SEO Optimization

Improve your website's visibility in search engine results and attract more organic traffic with strategic SEO techniques

Testing and Debugging

Conducting thorough testing and debugging to ensure code quality and reliability.

DevOps and Deployment

Implementing CI/CD pipelines, ensuring smooth deployments, and system monitoring. Deploying websites on platforms like Vercel.