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  • After mastering the MERN stack, I recognized the significance of Next.js as a powerful enhancement to React. Eager to expand my skill set, I embarked on a journey to learn Next.js, taking inspiration from YouTube tutorials and even cloning Next.js-powered websites along the way. Next.js quickly revealed its advantages over React. One notable benefit is its server-side rendering (SSR) capability, which enhances website performance by pre-rendering pages on the server. This not only improves page load times but also enhances SEO and user experience. Additionally, Next.js simplifies routing and provides automatic code splitting, optimizing the loading of JavaScript files for efficient navigation. Cloning Next.js websites offered hands-on experience in harnessing these advantages. It allowed me to apply Next.js's powerful features in real-world projects, solidifying my understanding of this technology. i started using React.js about two years ago. I was immediately drawn to its simplicity and flexibility. I was able to build user interfaces quickly and easily. However, as my projects grew in size and complexity, I started to encounter some challenges with React.js. One of the biggest challenges was performance. My pages were loading slowly, especially for users with slow internet connections. Another challenge was SEO. React.js websites are typically client-rendered, which means that search engines have to render the pages on the fly. This can hurt SEO performance, especially for complex websites. I also wanted to find a way to scale my websites more easily. React.js websites are typically hosted on traditional web servers. This can make it difficult to scale your websites to handle high traffic loads. After some research, I decided to migrate my React.js projects to Next.js. Next.js addresses all of the challenges I was facing with React.js.

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